Antibody suppliers

Save Time & Money with High Quality Sandwich ELISA Kits

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a widely used technique for detecting concentration of proteins, using enzyme tagged antibodies with which react with dyes to produce a colorimetric or fluorescent signal. Sandwich ELISA takes this one step further, by pre-coating plastic wells with a known concentration of a "capture" antibody which reacts specifically to the antigen under test. A secondary antibody is then applied, tagged with an enzyme.

The Wise Old Fox: Forkhead Transcription Factors and Age-Related DAF-16 Studies

Orthologs are one of the classes of homolog genes. They occur in different species, but are linked by a common ancestral pathway. During evolution, they retain the same original function, irrespective of the species. Among the orthologs covered on our antibody databaseare those of the Forkhead Transcription Factor (FOX) superfamily of proteins.

Quick, Easy & Hassle Free: The Convenience of Using Novus Antibody Kits

The best antibody suppliers offer far more than just individual peptides and reagents. They also supply a range of antibody kits which contain everything a scientist needs to perform a particular experiment in one convenient package.

SuperBUGS in the Brain: MAP1B Antibodies & Neuronal Disease Research

Recently, we at Novus Biologicals added a new phospho-MAP1B (phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein 1B) antibody to our antibody database. MAP1B is a developmentally regulated phosphoprotein thought to be involved in the assembly of microtubules, an essential part of neurogenesis.

Not as Pluripotent as You Used to Be: Embryonic Stem Cell Markers and the Aging Process

We at Novus Biologicals recently extended our antibody catalog to include several embryonic stem cells (ESC) antibodies validated for use in FACS (fluorescent activated cell sorting) assays. Among them was Oct4, which recently became the focus of an interesting study into the human aging process.

Bright & Colorful: Fluorescent Markers and FACS Assays

As a top worldwide antibody supplier, we at Novus Biologicals are constantly extending our antibody database to take advantage of the latest technology and product developments. Recently, we added several embryonic stem cell marker antibodies, conjugated for use in FACS (fluorescence activated cell sorting) assays.

Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting Antibody Techniques

Recently, we at Novus Biologicals added several embryonic stem cell marker products to our antibody catalog, validated for use in fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) assays. They included Cripto1, PODXL, SSEA, OCT4, Nanog, SOX2, TRA-1, TERT and GPR49/LGR5 antibodies.

Chinese Cancer Study Reveals Three New Genes for Nasopharyngeal Carcinomas

A large percentage of the products in our antibody catalog are used for cancer research. Some oncogenes are expressed in several types of tumor, while others are quite specific. For example, there are several products on our antibody database which target genes specific to nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC), such as UBAP1 and MMP9. Recently, a Chinese cancer study, which used no fewer than 10,000 volunteer subjects, uncovered 3 new susceptibility genes for NPC.

Real-time Cell Analysis Throws New Light on GPCR Function

The G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family constitutes one of the largest protein families in the mammalian kingdom, with over 800 proteins so far discovered. Our GPCR antibody catalog covers all 6 classes, with antibodies raised against Metabotropic Glutamate/Pheromone receptors; Rhodopsin-like receptors; Secretin receptors; Fungal Mating Pheromone receptors; cAMP receptors and Frizzled/Smoothened receptors. The majority are of the Class A (Rhodopsin-like) class.

The Role of LC3 within the Autophagic Pathway

We at Novus Biologicals have a broad antibody database covering the area of autophagy - over 1400 reagents in total. Autophagy is the bulk degradation of cytoplasmic components - literally, self-digestion of the cell. Double-membrane vesicles, called autophagosomes, carry unwanted cell components to the lysosomes within an inner autophagic membrane. They then fuse, liberating the autophagic body and its contents into the lumen of the vacuole for degradation. This is a complex process involving at least 16 proteins.
