Human Phospho-ErbB2/Her2 DuoSet IC ELISA, 2 Plate


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Human Phospho-ErbB2/Her2 DuoSet IC ELISA, 2 Plate Summary

Assay Type
Solid Phase Sandwich ELISA
See PDF Datasheet for details
See PDF Datasheet for details
Spike Recovery
See PDF Datasheet for details
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Application Notes
No significant interference observed with available related molecules.
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Packaging, Storage & Formulations

Store the unopened product at 2 - 8 °C. Do not use past expiration date.


This product is produced by and ships from R&D Systems, Inc., a Bio-Techne brand.

Alternate Names for Human Phospho-ErbB2/Her2 DuoSet IC ELISA, 2 Plate

  • CD340 antigen
  • CD340
  • c-erb B2/neu protein
  • EC 2.7.10
  • EGFR2
  • ErbB2
  • HER2
  • HER-2
  • HER2EC
  • herstatin
  • Metastatic lymph node gene 19 protein
  • MLN 19
  • MLN19
  • Neu Oncogene
  • NEUHER-2/neu
  • neuroblastoma/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog
  • NGL
  • p185erbB2
  • Proto-oncogene c-ErbB-2
  • Proto-oncogene Neu
  • receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2
  • TKR1
  • Tyrosine kinase-type cell surface receptor HER2
  • v-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2(neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog)
  • v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastomaderived oncogene homolog (avian)


ErbB2, also called Neu and Her2, is a transmembrane glycoprotein in the ErbB family of tyrosine kinase receptors for EGF superfamily growth factors. ErbB2 is widely expressed in epithelial cells and over-expressed in a large number of breast carcinomas. ErbB2 has no identified ligands but heterodimerizes with ErbB1/EGF R, ErbB3, or ErbB4 to form higher affinity signaling complexes. The protease ADAM10 releases a 110 kDa soluble fragment of ErbB2 from the cell surface. ErbB2 plays roles in development, cancer, communication at the neuromuscular junction, and regulation of cell growth and differentiation. The ErbB2/ErbB3 heterodimer is expressed in the majority of breast, skin, ovary and gastrointestinal tumors and transduces a highly mitogenic signal in response to neuregulin 1 (NRG1; heuregulin 1) or NRG2. ErbB3, ErbB2 and neuregulin are all required for formation of the sympathetic nervous system.

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Applications: Flow, ICC/IF, IHC, IHC-P, WB
Species: Hu, Mu
Applications: ICC/IF, IHC, IHC-P, WB
Species: Hu
Applications: IP (-), WB

Publications for ErbB2/Her2 (DYC1768-2)(8)

We have publications tested in 1 confirmed species: Human.

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Showing Publications 1 - 8 of 8.
Publications using DYC1768-2 Applications Species
M Su, B Qin, F Liu, Y Chen, R Zhang Andrographolide enhanced 5-fluorouracil-induced antitumor effect in colorectal cancer via inhibition of c-MET pathway Drug Des Devel Ther, 2017-11-23;11(0):3333-3341. 2017-11-23 [PMID: 29200829] (Human) Human
Md Jawaid Akhtar Design, synthesis, docking and QSAR study of substituted benzimidazole linked oxadiazole as cytotoxic agents, EGFR and erbB2 receptor inhibitors Eur J Med Chem, 2016-12-09;126(0):853-869. 2016-12-09 [PMID: 27987485] (Human) Human
Foy , Kevin C, Miller , Megan J, Moldovan , Nicanor, Carson , William, Kaumaya , Pravin T Combined vaccination with HER-2 peptide followed by therapy with VEGF peptide mimics exerts effective anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic effects in vitro and in vivo. Oncoimmunology, 2012-10-01;1(7):1048-1060. 2012-10-01 [PMID: 23170253] (Human) Human
Ekerljung L, Lennartsson J, Gedda L The HER2-binding affibody molecule (Z(HER2ratio342))(2) increases radiosensitivity in SKBR-3 cells. PLoS ONE, 2012-11-14;7(11):e49579. 2012-11-14 [PMID: 23166716] (Human) Human
Gostring L, Malm M, Hoiden-Guthenberg I, Frejd FY, Stahl S, Lofblom J, Gedda L Cellular Effects of HER3-Specific Affibody Molecules. PLoS ONE, 2012-06-29;7(6):e40023. 2012-06-29 [PMID: 22768204] (Human) Human
Hutchins BM, Kazane SA, Staflin K, Forsyth JS, Felding-Habermann B, Schultz PG, Smider VV Site-specific coupling and sterically controlled formation of multimeric antibody fab fragments with unnatural amino acids. J. Mol. Biol., 2011-01-13;406(4):595-603. 2011-01-13 [PMID: 21237172] (Human) Human
Hickinson DM, Klinowska T, Speake G AZD8931, an equipotent, reversible inhibitor of signaling by epidermal growth factor receptor, ERBB2 (HER2), and ERBB3: a unique agent for simultaneous ERBB receptor blockade in cancer. Clin. Cancer Res., 2010-02-09;16(4):1159-69. 2010-02-09 [PMID: 20145185] (Human) Human
Allen SD, Garrett JT, Rawale SV, Jones AL, Phillips G, Forni G, Morris JC, Oshima RG, Kaumaya PT Peptide vaccines of the HER-2/neu dimerization loop are effective in inhibiting mammary tumor growth in vivo. J. Immunol., 2007-07-01;179(1):472-82. 2007-07-01 [PMID: 17579068] (Human) Human

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FAQs for ErbB2/Her2 (DYC1768-2). (Showing 1 - 1 of 1 FAQs).

  1. I am interested in getting antibodies for HER that would work in flow cytometry. Could you recommend some choices?
    • A list of our ErbB2 antibodies validated for use in flow cytometry can be found here /productsearch/HER2#fq=common_name%3A%22ErbB2%2FHER2%22&fq=category%3A%22Primary%20Antibodies%22&fq=applications%3A%22Flow%20Cytometry%22

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Gene Symbol ERBB2