Antibody suppliers

Approaching apoptosis with antibodies

Not everyone knows how antibodies influence animal life, so this article is, in part, a very brief introduction. Apoptosis is triggered by a variety of signals and takes place by one of several mechanisms. These involve cell surface receptors, cytokines, tumour necrosis factors, proteins such as Bcl-2, Bax and Apaf-1, the caspase cascade, and apoptosis-inducing factors.

Antibody-based Techniques Clarify Mechanisms Regulating Epithelial Cell Migration

Researchers can manipulate antibodies to yield very impressive research outcomes, which may prove highly relevant to the medical treatment of the future.

Severson et al (MBC 2009, 20(7) pp. 1916-1925) used antibodies, including monoclonal rabbit anti-JAM-A and monoclonal rabbit anti-β1 integrin from Novus Biologicals to investigate epithelial cell migration.

Offering Tailored Assistance To Researchers Needing Antibodies

Researchers requiring antibody products can have some difficulty in obtaining precisely what they need. However, recent developments may make this dilemma less of an issue than it has proven in the past.

Anti-beclin Antibodies And Autophagy

Antibodies to beclin 1 may help elucidate the significance of this protein and its role in autophagy.

Autophagy is the lysosomal degradation of cell constituents. It occurs in malnutrition, enabling the body to recycle cell components to provide metabolic precursors. Autophagy is also involved in the response to pathogens and in other processes. Some aspects are summarised here.

Antibodies Point To New Target For Cancer Chemotherapy

Treating cancer is a major health priority in western society. Coupled with attempts to alter unhealthy behaviour, it is hoped that better cancer treatment can reduce premature deaths.

Anti-APE1 mouse monoclonal antibodies from Novus Biologicals were antibodies used to investigate drug resistance in non-small cell lung carcinoma (Wang et al., Lung Cancer 2009, 65(3), pp. 298-304). Tumour drug resistance results in less successful chemotherapy.

Antibodies Clarify The Role Of Diabetes In The Pathogenesis Of Alzheimer's Disease

Anti-AGE antibodies are not the elixir of youth as their name might imply! They have nevertheless provided new information about Alzheimer’s disease, the major cause of dementia in old age.

New Light On Fluorescent Antibodies

Extra-bright antibodies increase the specificity and sensitivity of any fluorescence-based procedure. They are stable over a wide pH range and are also highly ‘photo stable.’

Novus Biologicals now offer more than 1,150 antibodies conjugated to DyLight® fluorescent dyes.

As fluorescent imaging technology advances, there is a growing drive to achieve increasingly quantitative measurement of fluorescent signals.

Antibodies In The Differential Diagnosis Of Undifferentiated Tumors

Immunohistochemical testing using antibody panels has a valuable role in cancer diagnosis. Some tumors, especially more malignant ones, tend to lose the appearance of the tissue of origin. However, knowing the tissue of origin assists the physician in selecting the best treatment thus a differential diagnosis is required.

Antibody Detection On Western Blot Membranes

Western blotting combines gel electrophoresis with use of a membrane to separate and identify target proteins using antibodies. Proteins are separated into bands using electrophoresis, and are then transferred to a membrane using filter-paper capillary action or an electroblotting technique. The effectiveness of the transfer can be checked by means of a stain – typically Ponceau S.

An Overview Of The Western Blot Immunoassay

Western blot is a widely used immunoassay technique, used to identify proteins. Many people enter Western blot research without having a clear idea of how the technique relates to antibody usage, so we at Novus Biologicals thought it would be interesting to give a general review of this subject.
