Human CXCL7/NAP-2 DuoSet ELISA, 15 Plate



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Applications ELISA

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Human CXCL7/NAP-2 DuoSet ELISA, 15 Plate Summary

Assay Type
Solid Phase Sandwich ELISA
See PDF Datasheet for details
See PDF Datasheet for details
Spike Recovery
See PDF Datasheet for details
Sample Volume
See PDF Datasheet for details


Application Notes
No significant interference observed with available related molecules.
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Packaging, Storage & Formulations

Store the unopened product at 2 - 8 °C. Do not use past expiration date.


This product is produced by and ships from R&D Systems, Inc., a Bio-Techne brand.

Alternate Names for Human CXCL7/NAP-2 DuoSet ELISA, 15 Plate

  • Beta-TG
  • connective tissue-activating peptide III
  • CXC chemokine ligand 7
  • C-X-C motif chemokine 7
  • CXCL7
  • CXCL7b-TG1
  • LA-PF4
  • Leukocyte-derived growth factor
  • low-affinity platelet factor IV
  • Macrophage-derived growth factor
  • NAP2
  • NAP-2
  • NAP-2-L1
  • neutrophil-activating peptide 2
  • neutrophil-activating peptide-2
  • platelet basic protein
  • PPBP
  • pro-platelet basic protein (chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7)
  • SCAR10
  • SCYB7beta-thromboglobulin
  • small inducible cytokine B7
  • small inducible cytokine subfamily B, member 7
  • Small-inducible cytokine B7
  • TGB
  • TGB1B-TG1
  • THBGB1
  • thrombocidin 1
  • thrombocidin 2
  • thromboglobulin, beta-1


Neutrophil activating peptide 2 (NAP-2), connective tissue activating protein III (CTAP-III) and beta-thrombogulin (beta-TG), are proteolytically processed carboxy-terminal fragments of platelet basic protein (PBP), which is found in the alpha-granules of human platelets. NAP-2 is a member of the CXC chemokines and is named CXCL7. Similar to other ELR domain containing CXC chemokines, such as IL-8 and the GRO proteins, NAP-2 binds CXCR2 and chemoattracts and activates neutrophils.

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Species: Hu
Applications: ELISA
Species: Hu
Applications: CyTOF-ready, ELISA(Cap), ELISA(Det), ELISA(Sta), ICC, ICFlow, Neut, Simple Western, WB
Species: Hu
Applications: IP, Neut, WB
Species: Mu
Applications: ELISA
Species: Hu
Applications: ICC/IF, IHC, IHC-P
Species: Hu, Mu, Rt
Applications: Flow, IHC, IHC-P
Species: Hu
Applications: BA
Species: Hu, Mu
Applications: IHC, IHC-P, WB
Species: Ca, Fe, Hu, Mu
Applications: Dual ISH-IHC, ICC/IF, IHC, IHC-Fr, IHC-P
Species: Hu, Rt
Applications: ELISA, WB
Species: Hu, Mu, Rt
Applications: ELISA, ICC/IF, IHC, IHC-Fr, IHC-P, WB
Species: Hu, Mu
Applications: IHC, IHC-P, WB
Species: Rt
Applications: WB
Species: Hu
Applications: ELISA
Species: Mu
Applications: ELISA
Species: Hu
Applications: ELISA
Species: Hu, Mu, Rt
Applications: ELISA, ICC/IF, IHC, IHC-P, WB
Species: Mu
Applications: ELISA
Species: Hu
Applications: ELISA
Species: Hu
Applications: CyTOF-ready, Flow, IHC, Neut

Publications for CXCL7/NAP-2 (DY393)(18)

We have publications tested in 2 confirmed species: Human, Mouse.

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Publications using DY393 Applications Species
Lengvenyte, A;Cognasse, F;Hamzeh-Cognasse, H;Sénèque, M;Strumila, R;Olié, E;Courtet, P; Baseline circulating biomarkers, their changes, and subsequent suicidal ideation and depression severity at 6 months: A prospective analysis in patients with mood disorders Psychoneuroendocrinology 2024-07-06 [PMID: 39003840] (Human) Human
Fyksen, TS;Seljeflot, I;Vanberg, P;Atar, D;Halvorsen, S; Platelet activity, coagulation, and fibrinolysis in long-term users of anabolic-androgenic steroids compared to strength-trained athletes Thrombosis research 2024-04-24 [PMID: 38676967] (Human) Human
Friebel, J;Wegner, M;Blöbaum, L;Schencke, PA;Jakobs, K;Puccini, M;Ghanbari, E;Lammel, S;Thevathasan, T;Moos, V;Witkowski, M;Landmesser, U;Rauch-Kröhnert, U; Characterization of Biomarkers of Thrombo-Inflammation in Patients with First-Diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation International journal of molecular sciences 2024-04-08 [PMID: 38612918] (Human) Human
Lee, GH;Lee, SY;Chae, JY;Kim, JW;Kim, JH;Jeong, HG; Antarctic Krill Oil from Euphausia superba Ameliorates Carrageenan-Induced Thrombosis in a Mouse Model International journal of molecular sciences 2023-12-13 [PMID: 38139268] (Mouse) Mouse
S Guerrero, E Sánchez-Ti, L Agüí, A González-C, P Yáñez-Sede, JM Pingarrón Development of an Electrochemical CCL5 Chemokine Immunoplatform for Rapid Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis Biosensors, 2022-08-07;12(8):. 2022-08-07 [PMID: 36005006] (Human) Human
MH Schutte, R Kleemann, NM Nota, CM Wiepjes, JM Snabel, G T'Sjoen, A Thijs, M den Heijer The effect of transdermal gender-affirming hormone therapy on markers of inflammation and hemostasis PLoS ONE, 2022-03-15;17(3):e0261312. 2022-03-15 [PMID: 35290388] (Human) Human
L Kloss, C Dollt, K Schledzews, A Krewer, S Melchers, C Manta, C Sticht, C Torre, J Utikal, V Umansky, A Schmieder ADP secreted by dying melanoma cells mediates chemotaxis and chemokine secretion of macrophages via the purinergic receptor P2Y12 Cell Death Dis, 2019-10-07;10(10):760. 2019-10-07 [PMID: 31591378] (Human) Human
T Barwari, S Eminaga, U Mayr, R Lu, PC Armstrong, MV Chan, M Sahraei, M Fernández-, T Moreau, J Barallobre, M Lynch, X Yin, C Schulte, F Baig, R Pechlaner, SR Langley, A Zampetaki, P Santer, M Weger, R Plasenzott, M Schosserer, J Grillari, S Kiechl, J Willeit, AM Shah, C Ghevaert, TD Warner, C Fernández-, Y Suárez, M Mayr Inhibition of profibrotic microRNA-21 affects platelets and their releasate JCI Insight, 2018-11-02;3(21):. 2018-11-02 [PMID: 30385722] (Human) Human
S Sabrkhany, MJE Kuijpers, SMJ van Kuijk, L Sanders, S Pineda, SWM Olde Damin, AC Dingemans, AW Griffioen, MGA Oude Egbri A combination of platelet features allows detection of early-stage cancer Eur. J. Cancer, 2017-05-17;80(0):5-13. 2017-05-17 [PMID: 28527393] (Human) Human
L van Bon, AJ Affandi, J Broen, RB Christmann, RJ Marijnisse, L Stawski, GA Farina, G Stifano, AL Mathes, M Cossu, M York, C Collins, M Wenink, R Huijbens, R Hesselstra, T Saxne, M DiMarzio, D Wuttge, SK Agarwal, JD Reveille, S Assassi, M Mayes, Y Deng, JP Drenth, J de Graaf, M den Heijer, CG Kallenberg, M Bijl, A Loof, WB van den Be, LA Joosten, V Smith, F de Keyser, R Scorza, C Lunardi, PL van Riel, M Vonk, W van Heerde, S Meller, B Homey, L Beretta, M Roest, M Trojanowsk, R Lafyatis, TR Radstake Proteome-wide analysis and CXCL4 as a biomarker in systemic sclerosis N. Engl. J. Med, 2013-12-18;370(5):433-43. 2013-12-18 [PMID: 24350901] (Human) Human
Show All 18 Publications.

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Gene Symbol PPBP