Antibody database and Antibody Suppliers

Nuclear LC3: Why is it there and what is it doing?

CAR-T Cell Therapy: Refining the Approach in Solid Tumors

CAR-T Cell Killing

By Jacqueline Carrico, BS, MD Candidate

Killing two birds with one stone: Treating inflammation and cancer by inhibiting prolyl-4-hydroxylase-1

Getting Physical: Link between Lipid Metabolism and Hypoxia Target Genes

Autophagy Mechanisms

By Jamshed Arslan Pharm.D.

Autophagy inhibition in pediatrics: One physician-scientist’s brave decision

Cleaner gone bad: Autophagy regulates motor neuron loss in spinal muscular atrophy

Autophagy in the Tumor Microenvironment

Biogenesis Molecular

By Christina Towers, PhD.

Cross-talk between proteasome degradation and lysosomal degradation

Application Focus: New Methods for iPSC Differentiation, Inducing a Mammary Fate

Stemness for Surviving Hypoxia: TGF-beta/Smad Signaling in Multiple Myeloma
