Heat Shock Proteins

Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) are highly conserved molecular chaperones that promote protein synthesis and protein folding. HSPs also prevent protein aggregation and take part in protein assembly and export, protein turnover, and protein regulation.  HSPs are induced by stress conditions, such as heat, cold, pH changes and oxidative stress (hypoxia).  Some HSPs are anti-apoptotic, including Hsp27, Hsp70 and Hsp90, while other HSPs promote apoptosis, including Hsp10 and Hsp60.

IHC staining of HSP27 in mouse
heart using DAB with hematoxylin
counterstain using NBP1-75477.

HSP60 antibody was tested in HeLa
cells with FITC (green). Nuclei and actin
were counterstained with Dapi (blue)
and Phalloidin (red) uisng NBP1-77397.

HSP60 antibody was tested in HeLa
cells with FITC (green). Nuclei and actin
were counterstained with Dapi (blue) and Phalloidin (red) using NBP1-77396.

HSP90-1A antibody was tested in
MCF-7 cells with FITC (green).
Nuclei and actin were counterstained
with Dapi (blue) and Phalloidin (red)
using NBP1-77682.

WB analysis of HSP901a in: 1. HeLa,
2. Ntera2, 3. A431, 4. HepG2, 5. MCF7,
6. NIH/3T3, 7. PC12, 8. COS7
using NBP1-77685.

IHC staining of HSP901b in
mouse prostate using DAB
with hematoxylin counterstain
using NBP1-77563.

Novus Biologicals provides a wide variety of Heat Shock Protein antibodies and HSP-related antibodies, all 100% guaranteed to work for the applications and species listed on the datasheet. Browse Heat Shock Proteins by target by clicking on the links below.

Heat Shock Protein Antibodies

Heat Shock Protein-Related Antibodies

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