Entrez | Rat Mouse Human |
Uniprot | Human Human Human Human Human |
Product By Gene ID | 387 |
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The use of actin as a loading control in research on fruiting-body development and vegetative growth in Sordaria macrospora research Sordaria macrospora is a filamentous fungus that serves as very useful system for scientific research due to a short life cycle and easy manipulation. Just like any other model organism, it is important to have an effective loading control to va... Read more. |
A good helper on validating your FLOW and IHC data - Rabbit IgG Isotype Control Isotype controls are primarily used as negative controls in flow cytometry but they can also be used for immunohistochemistry. They are used to approximate the non-specific target primary antibody binding due to protein-protein interactions, binding t... Read more. |
TGF-beta for treating degenerative intervertebral disc disease By Jamshed Arslan Pharm.D. Our upright posture and balance depend on a jelly-like material, called nucleus pulposus (NP), in the middle of intervertebral discs. NP cells protect us from disc degeneration by maintain... Read more. |
The role of Wnts in neuroinflammation By Michalina Hanzel, PhDThe multifaceted roles of the Wnt family of glycoproteins have been extensively characterized throughout embryonic development and adult homeostasis. The highly conserved, cell- and tissue- s... Read more. |
HIF-1 beta - activating gene transcription in response to hypoxia Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a heterodimeric transcription factor consisting of alpha and beta subunits. The levels of functional HIF-1 in the cell depends on the level of oxygen allowing cells to respond to hypoxic conditions. HIF-1a is a... Read more. |