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Nuclear Export Pathway Bioinformatics

Nuclear export, or the transfer of material out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm, occurs with the binding of a G-protein called Ran-GTP to a nuclear export factor, or exportin. The binding of Ran-GTP causes a confirmation change in the exportin, which allows the transferable material, or cargo, to also bind to the export factor. The entire complex then moves out of the nucleus through the nuclear pore, and the Ran-GTP is hydrolyzed to Ran-GDP, which causes the entire complex to come apart. Both the nuclear export factor and the Ran-GDP return to the nucleus to begin the process again, as a guanine exchange factor located in the nucleus is able to turn Ran-GDP back to its active GTP form.

Top Research Reagents

We have 3140 products for the study of the Nuclear Export Pathway that can be applied to Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), Flow Cytometry, Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot from our catalog of antibodies and ELISA kits.

Western Blot: Nucleophosmin Antibody [NB110-61646] - Detection of mutant Nucleophosmin in OCI-AML3 lysates.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Nucleophosmin Antibody [NB110-61646] - Nucleophosmin localization by immunofluorescence in HL-60 cells (negative control).

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, Flow, ICC/IF

     2 Reviews

4 Publications
Western Blot: NFkB p105/p50 Antibody (2J10D7) [NB100-56583] - Analysis of p50 in HeLa lysate in the A) absence and B) presence of immunizing peptide using p50 antibody at 5 ug/ml.Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: NFkB p105/p50 Antibody (2J10D7) [NB100-56583] - IHC-P of rabbit aorta using NB100-56583. Secondary antibody: anti-mouse histofine ( Nisherei Bioscience Inc. ref: 414131F). Development: DAB (Dako ref: K346811-2) and counterstained with Hematoxylin. Submitted via verified customer review

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Rat, Rabbit
Applications WB, Flow, IHC

     1 Review

5 Publications
Western Blot: NXF1 Antibody [NBP1-31649] - Sample (30 ug of whole cell lysate) A: Hela B: Molt-4 7. 5% SDS PAGE; antibody diluted at 1:1000.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: NXF1 Antibody [NBP1-31649] - Paraformaldehyde-fixed HeLa, using antibody at 1:200 dilution.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

Western Blot: AGFG2 Antibody [NBP1-83213] - Analysis in control (vector only transfected HEK293T lysate) and AGFG2 over-expression lysate (Co-expressed with a C-terminal myc-DDK tag (3.1 kDa) in mammalian HEK293T cells).Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: AGFG2 Antibody [NBP1-83213] - Staining in human salivary gland and skeletal muscle tissues using anti-AGFG2 antibody. Corresponding AGFG2 RNA-seq data are presented for the same tissues.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, IHC, IHC-P

Western Blot: p53 Antibody (PAb 240) [NB200-103] - Analysis of p53 in MCF7 and HeLa lystates. Image courtesy of anonymous customer product review.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: p53 Antibody (PAb 240) [NB200-103] - PC12 cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 minutes and permeabilized in 0.5% Triton X-100 in PBS for 5 minutes. The cells were incubated with anti-p53 Antibody (PAb 240) NB200-103 at 2 ug/ml overnight at 4C and detected with an anti-mouse Dylight 488 (Green) at a 1:1000 dilution for 60 minutes. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (Blue).  Cells were imaged using a 40X objective.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ELISA, Flow

     3 Reviews

42 Publications
Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: Filamin B Antibody [NBP1-90286] - Analysis in human prostate and skeletal muscle tissues using NBP1-90286 antibody. Corresponding Filamin B RNA-seq data are presented for the same tissues.Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: Filamin B Antibody [NBP1-90286] - Staining of human colon, placenta, prostate and skeletal muscle using Anti-Filamin B antibody NBP1-90286 (A) shows similar protein distribution across tissues to independent antibody NBP1-90285 (B).

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

2 Publications
Western Blot: Niemann-Pick C1 Antibody - BSA Free [NB400-148] - NPC proteins in mouse lungs. Western blot of wild type (W) littermates, NPC1 (Mut) or NPC2 (Mut) mutant mouse lungs using anti-NPC1 or -NPC2 antibody. beta-actin used as a loading control. 30 ug protein/lane.  Image collected and cropped by CiteAb from the following publication (, licensed under a CC-BY license.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Niemann-Pick C1 Antibody - BSA Free [NB400-148] - NPC1 antibody was tested in HeLa cells with DyLight 488 (green). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue).

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, EM, ICC/IF

     6 Reviews

54 Publications
Western Blot: VDP p115 Antibody (3F4) [H00008615-M03] - Analysis of USO1 expression in HeLa (Cat # L013V1).Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: VDP p115 Antibody (3F4) [H00008615-M03] - Analysis of monoclonal antibody to USO1 on HeLa cell. Antibody concentration 10 ug/ml

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, ELISA, ICC/IF

Western Blot: SEC14L2 Antibody (4H2) [NBP2-01346] Analysis of extracts (35ug) from 9 different cell lines by using anti-SEC14L2 monoclonal antibody.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: SEC14L2 Antibody (4H2) [NBP2-01346] - Staining of COS7 cells transiently transfected by pCMV6-ENTRY SEC14L2.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Flow, ICC/IF

Western Blot: HDAC9 Antibody [NBP2-03993] - Analysis of HDAC-9 in human HeLa cell lysate in the 1) absence and 2) presence of immunizing peptide and 3) and mouse RAW cell lysate using this antibody. 0 ug/ml, 1.0 ug/ml and 0.5 ug/ml respectively. Goat anti-rabbit Ig HRP secondary antibody and PicoTect ECL substrate solution were used for this test.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Bovine
Applications WB

     1 Review

1 Publication
Western Blot: HDAC5 Antibody [NBP2-22152] - LNCaP cells with normal medium and with androgen depletion. Image from verified customer review.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: HDAC5 Antibody [NBP2-22152] - HDAC5 antibody was tested in A431 cells with FITC (green). Nuclei and alpha-tubulin were counterstained with DAPI (blue) and Dylight 550 (red).

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ChIP, ICC/IF

     1 Review

5 Publications
Western Blot: ERK1 Antibody (1E5) [NBP2-22203] - Western blot analysis of whole cell lysates from (1) MCF7 (2) NIH3T3 cell lines using ERK1 antibody (clone 1E5) at 1:1000 dilution. The signal was developed using HRP labeled goat-anti Mouse secondary antibody with ECL based detection. Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: ERK1 Antibody (1E5) [NBP2-22203] - Analysis of NIH/3T3 cells using ERK1 mouse mAb (green). Blue: DRAQ5 fluorescent DNA dye. Red: Actin filaments have been labeled with Alexa Fluor-555 phalloidin.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ELISA, Flow

1 Publication
Western Blot: MDM2/HDM2 Antibody (SMP14) [NB100-2736] - Daudi whole cell protein was separated by SDS-PAGE on a 7.5% gel and transferred to PVDF membrane. The membrane was probed with anti-MDM2 antibody at 2 ug/ml and detected with an anti-mouse HRP secondary antibody using chemiluminescence.Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: MDM2/HDM2 Antibody (SMP14) [NB100-2736] - Analysis of tissue section of human breast cancer xenograft using MDM2/HDM2 antibody (clone SMP14) at 1:100 dilution. Several of the cancer cells developed a strong nuclear with weak cytoplasmic immunostaining of MDM2.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, IHC, IHC-Fr

     1 Review

21 Publications
Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: p21/CIP1/CDKN1A Antibody (WA-1) [NBP2-29463] - Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human bladder carcinoma stained with p21 Monoclonal Antibody (WA-1).

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Chimpanzee
Applications WB, Flow, ICC/IF

24 Publications
Western blot shows lysates of NIH-3T3 mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line untreated (-) or treated (+) with 100 ng/mL Human PDGF (<a class=Akt phosphorylated at S473 was detected in immersion fixed paraffin-embedded sections of human breast cancer tissue using Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Akt (S473) Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF887) at 10 µg/mL overnight at 4 °C. Tissue was stained using the Anti-Rabbit HRP-DAB Cell & Tissue Staining Kit (brown; <a class=

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Simple Western, IHC

49 Publications
Western blot shows lysates of HeLa human cervical epithelial carcinoma cell line, MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line, U937 human histiocytic lymphoma cell line, PC-12 rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cell line, and NIH-3T3 mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line. PVDF membrane was probed with 0.1 µg/mL of Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ERK2 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1230) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Rabbit IgG Secondary Antibody (Catalog # <a class=    ERK2  was detected in immersion fixed paraffin-embedded sections of human breast  using Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ERK2 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal  Antibody (Catalog # AF1230) at 3 µg/mL for 1 hour at room  temperature followed by incubation with the Anti-Rabbit IgG  VisUCyte™ HRP Polymer Antibody (Catalog # <a class=

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, IHC, KO

3 Publications
Nestin was detected in immersion fixed human fetal neural progenitor cells using 10 µg/mL Human Nestin Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB1259) for 3 hours at room temperature. Cells were stained (green) and counterstained with DAPI (blue). View our protocol for <a class=A172 cells were stained with Mouse Anti-Human Nestin Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB1259, filled histogram) or isotype control antibody (Catalog # <a class=NoLineLink href=

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human
Applications CyTOF-reported, ICC, ICFlow

     3 Reviews

158 Publications
RAW 264.7 mouse monocyte/macrophage cell line was stained with Rat Anti-Mouse Rae-1 Pan Specific Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB17582, filled histogram) or isotype control antibody (Catalog # <a class=

Rat Monoclonal
Species Mouse
Applications Flow, CyTOF-ready

24 Publications
Western Blot: Ran Antibody (8D1A6) [NBP2-61832] - Analysis using RAN mAb against HEK293 (1) and RAN (AA: 1-216)-hIgGFc transfected HEK293 (2) cell lysate.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Ran Antibody (8D1A6) [NBP2-61832] - Analysis of HepG2 cells using RAN mouse mAb (green). Blue: DRAQ5 fluorescent DNA dye. Red: Actin filaments have been labeled with Alexa Fluor- 555 phalloidin. Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) DyLight 488 secondary antibody was used.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ELISA, Flow

1 Publication
Western Blot: CRM1 Antibody [NB100-79802] - Detection of Human and Mouse CRM1 by Western Blot. Samples: Whole cell lysate (50 ug) prepared using NETN buffer from HeLa, 293T, Jurkat, and mouse TCMK-1 cells. Antibodies: Affinity purified rabbit anti-CRM1 antibody NB100-79802 used for WB at 0.1 ug/ml. Detection: Chemiluminescence with an exposure time of 30 seconds.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: CRM1 Antibody [NB100-79802] - Association between Nup98-HoxA9 and CRM1 is critical for the Hox Gene activation mediated by Nup98-HoxA9. (B) The effect of LMB treatment on the cellular localization of Nup98-HoxA9. Nup98-HoxA9 ES cells were cultured either in the presence or absence of 5 nM LMB for 2 hr, fixed and stained with antibodies against FLAG (M2) and CRM1. Merged images of FLAG (green) and CRM1 (red) are shown. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Bar, 10um. Image collected and cropped by CiteAb from the following publication ( licensed under a CC-BY license.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Simple Western, ICC/IF

16 Publications