Myeloid Leukemia is a type of leukemia affecting myeloid tissues. This disease is a clonal disorder caused by malignant transformation of a bone marrow-derived, self-renewing stem cell or progenitor. This leads to a decreased rate of self-destruction and aberrant differentiation causing an accumulation in the organs and bone marrow by these myeloid cells. The development of Myeloid Leukemia has been associated with many predisposition syndromes that are caused by chromosomal imbalances, DNA repair defects, altered protein synthesis and altered cytokine receptors or signal transduction pathways. Myreloid Leukemia is most often categorized as either Acute or Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.
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Myeloid Leukemia is also known as myeloid leukemia, other myeloid leukemia, myeloid leukemia, no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), unspecified myeloid leukemia without mention of remission, other myeloid leukemia nos (morphologic abnormality), other myeloid leukemia without mention of remission, myeloid leukemia, nos, without mention of remission, other myeloid leukemia (morphologic abnormality), myeloid leukemias (morphologic abnormality), unspecified myeloid leukemia in remission, myeloid leukemia in remission (disorder), other myeloid leukemia nos (disorder), myeloid leukemia, disease (disorder), other myeloid leukemia in remission, other myeloid leukemia (disorder), myelogenous leukemia in remission, myeloid leukemia nos (disorder), myeloid granulocytic leukemia, myeloid leukaemia (category), myeloid leukemia (disorder), myeloid leukemia, disease, non-lymphocytic leukemia, leukemia myelogenous, myelogenous leukemia, myeloid leukaemia, leukemia, myeloid, leukemia.