Immune Cell Metabolic Flux Influences Type I Diabetes

Increased wild type FUS levels in ALS patients lead to a toxic microenvironment and motor neuron neurodegeneration

SUCNR1/GPR91 - a potential role in renovascular hypertension

SUCNR1 is the cognate receptor for the Kreb's citric acid cycle intermediate succinate. It is of interest to scientists because it is involved in not only energy metabolism but possibly also in renovascular hypertension, a condition linked to diabetes, renal failure, and atherosclerosis.  This G-protein coupled receptor is most highly expressed in the kidney - predominantly in the proximal tubules. Two signaling pathways have been identified downstream from SUCNR1: a pertussis-toxin-sensitive Gi/Go pathway, as well as a pertussis-toxin-insensitive Gq pathway.

Inhibitor kappa B-alpha (IkappaB-alpha)

The transcription factor nuclear factor kappa beta (NFkB) is highly regulated by triggers such as stress, free-radicals, UV light, and hypoxia. NFkB is one of the fastest responding transcription factors in humans. The NFKB signaling pathway is essential for cancer progression because it governs many downstream molecules that control cellular growth and development. The effects of NFkB on angiogenic pathways and cell response mechanisms to stress and damage are well established in the literature.