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actin antibody

Alpha-actin/ACTA1 - A skeletal muscle isoform mutated in various myopathies

Actin is an abundant cytoskeletal protein involved in a variety of cellular processes such as cell motility, cell division, and muscle contraction. Actin monomers assemble into filaments and can provide a track for transport of cargo by the molecular motor myosin (1). Alternatively, interaction with myosin allows contraction between actin filaments. This contractility is essential during cell migration and cytokinesis (1). On a larger scale, organized scaffolds of actin filaments interact with myosin to provide mechanical force during muscle contraction (1).

Could Laminin be Used to Treat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe muscle wasting condition, causing disability and early death. There is currently no cure or adequate treatment for DMD, but pioneering research indicates that injection of a laminin protein may prevent (or at least slow) this muscle degeneration.

Actin Dynamics and Endocytic Trafficking

Actin is a ubiquitous and an essential component of the cytoskeleton, with critical roles in a wide range of cellular processes. It is abundant protein whose monomers polymerize into polarized actin filaments, within epithelial cells. Filamentous actin is concentrated at the plasma membrane where a wide variety of actin-associated proteins harness the potential and structure of actin filaments to moderate functions at the plasma membrane (1).

"Actin the Fool" about Cytoskeleton Structure

Actins are highly conserved, commonly found and abundant proteins involved in several types of cell motility as well as cytoskeleton maintenance. In vertebrate species, three main groups of actin isoforms, the alpha, beta and gamma, have been identified. Alpha actins are found in muscle tissues and are a major constituent of the contractile apparatus.

Using Myosin Antibodies for Tumor Identification

Myosin is a super family of actin based molecular motors that hydrolyze ATP and generate physical force to move specific molecules inside the cell. This super family, divided into at least twenty four classes based on head domain sequence similarity and domain organization. The processivity of myosins along an actin filament and transport of intracellular ‘cargo’ are achieved by generating physical force from chemical energy of ATP followed by appropriate conformational changes (1).

Time to Start Actin Like a Reliable 'Housekeeper'!

A growing body of data and studies using actin antibodies supports a view of the actin cytoskeleton of smooth muscle cells as a dynamic structure that plays an integral role in regulating the development of mechanical tension and the material properties of smooth muscle tissues.

The GAPDH Antibody in Western Blot Assays

The loading controls on our antibody database are widely used in gel electrophoresis and Western blotting studies. Products like the GAPDH antibody detect "housekeeping" proteins which are abundantly distributed in cells. This makes them useful for checking the even loading of gel samples, and the even transfer of proteins at the blotting stage. They also serve a purpose in quality control, by verifying reagents are working correctly, and in the standardization of experimental results.

Automated Antibody Immunoprecipitation with the Precipitor - Saving Time and Money

We at Novus Biologicals have a large catalogue of protein, peptide and antibody products to choose from. To make life easier for researchers, our catalog includes products like the actin antibody pack, which contains two actin antibody vials mapped to the N-termini of human beta and gamma actin.

Actin Nucleators and Other Developments in Actin Antibody Research

A highly conserved, abundant protein found in practically all eukaryotic cells, actin is a monomeric subunit of skeletal muscle thin filaments, and cytoskeleton microfilaments. Actin antibody products are routinely used in cell marker and loading control assays. However, actin antibody reagents are also used for cytoskeleton, cell motility, cytokinesis and cell signalling research.

The Beta-actin Antibody as a Loading Control

One of six actin isoforms so far identified, beta actin is a highly conserved cytoskeletal protein involved in cell structure, motility, and cohesion. We at Novus Biologicals have many different beta-actin products in our catalog, used in areas such as cytoskeleton and signal transduction research. They are also used as loading controls in protein assays. Beta-actin is known as a “housekeeping” protein, i.e.