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Luciferase: Shining a Light to See Inside Living Animal Models

The luciferase reporter is a valuable tool for research into physiology and disease. Light emitted from luciferase enables the monitoring of xenografted tumors, specific cell types, gene expression and pathogens within live animals over time using bioluminescence imaging (BLI) technology. Further detail can be revealed through the use of luciferase antibodies.

ADFP and Lipid Storage Disease

Adipocyte differentiation-related protein (ADFP) is found on the surface of lipid droplets in most mammalian cell types. In mammals, lipid droplets are most abundant in adipose tissue, where stored triacylglycerol (TAG) provides the primary energy reserve for the organism. Lipid droplets in steroidogenic cells contain cholesteryl esters used in the synthesis of steroid hormones. Most other mammalian cells contain smaller lipid droplets, whose function remains unclear.