
NPC1: A Potential Target For Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders involve extracellular Nef-induced modification of lipid rafts and redistribution of Alzheimer’s disease-related proteins

SREBP: Gatekeeper of Cholesterol Homeostasis

SREBP1 (sterol-regulatory-element-binding protein 2) is a basic-helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper (bHLH-ZIP) transcription factor. It regulates sterol and cholesterol homeostasis by controlling enzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis and uptake, e.g. HMG-CoA. The SREBP1 antibody was used in fundamental studies to dissect SREBP1 domains and downstream signaling (1).

SREBP2: From Cholesterol Homeostasis to Cancer Invasion

LXR Alpha, ABCA1 and Cholesterol Homeostasis

LXR Alpha, also known as Liver X receptor Alpha is a 50KDa protein that belongs to the nuclear hormone receptor family located in the nucleus. It is specifically expressed in the liver, kidney and intestine; however it has also been found in the spleen, macrophages and the adrenals. All of these tissues play an important role in lipid metabolism. The primary role of LXR Alpha is to maintain cholesterol homeostasis in macrophages by regulating the genes involved in this.

SR-BI Antibodies: A Potential for Blocking Hepatitis C Uptake

Scavenger Receptor Class B Membrane 1, also known as SR-BI plays an important role in lipid metabolism. Its main function is to mediate transfer of cholesterol between the cell surface and high density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL acts as an extracellular donor and acceptor of free and esterified Cholesterol. SR-BI also acts as a receptor for other ligands including lipoproteins, apoptotic cells and phospholipids.

How do Lipase A and the CD36 Antibody Relate to Each Other

Obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders are dramatically on the increase, linked to disorders such as heart disease, stroke and cancer. To combat this, research groups are studying metabolism at both a cellular and a systemic level.

Exploring how ABCG8 Affects Heart Disease

The high prevalence of atherosclerosis in developed nations is not breaking news; it has been well established that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and it presents a major socioeconomic burden.

ABCA1 Expression is Down-Regulated by SREBP microRNA

The ABCA1 (ATP-binding cassette transporter-A1) gene encodes a transmembrane protein, which plays a major role in phospholipid homeostasis by regulating cholesterol efflux from the cell. ABCA1 antibody studies have shown ABCA1 expression is up/down regulated by the transcription factors LXR and SREBP2 respectively.

ABCA1 Mutations: A Risk Factor in Atherosclerosis Related Strokes

The ATP Binding Cassette Transporter (ABCA1) gene encodes the cholesterol regulatory efflux protein, which plays a key role in lipid metabolism. ABCA1 antibody products are an important part of any antibody catalog covering atherosclerosis disease research.