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Nucleolin Antibodies: Knowing When it's Time to Split

Nucleolin is an abundant, 106 kDa nucleolar phosphoprotein that is a major protein in actively dividing cells. The stability of nucleolin is heavily cell proliferation-dependent, as nucleolin antibody studies have shown that degraded forms are relatively abundant in quiescent non-dividing cells, while nonexist in actively dividing cells.

The Myc Epitope Tags Along...

Recombinant DNA technology allows researchers to fuse epitope tags to their protein of interest and then identify that protein using tag specific antibodies. The Myc Tag can be used to purify tagged proteins by affinity chromatography or detect them by immnoflorescence, immunoprecipitation and by Western blotting assays.

The c-Myc Antibody: A Major Tool in Cancer Research

C-Myc is a widely expressed transcription factor, regulating cellular differentiation, proliferation, cell cycle progression and pro-apoptotic gene expression. The c-Myc antibody is widely used in cancer research, as a number of human tumors have been attributed to altered c-Myc expression.

Epitope Tags and the V5 Tag Antibody

We at Novus Biologicals have a large antibody catalog targeted to epitope tags. They include C-Myc, GFP, HA, DYKDDDDK, and V5 Tag antibody reagents. The V5 tag antibody recognizes the artificially engineered V5 epitope, which is formed of amino acid residues 95-108 of the simian virus 5 RNA polymerase alpha subunit.

Use Of c-Myc Antibodies In Non-Invasive Cancer Studies
