KLF4 opens the door for stem cell research

Fri, 04/11/2014 - 15:13

KLF4 (Kruppel-like factor 4, Epithelial zinc finger protein EZF) is a zinc finger transcription factor thought to be involved in developmental differentiation and proliferation. It is considered a pluripotency reprogramming factor (PRF) due to its ability to change cell fate via gene expression conversion. Other PRFs including Sox2, Oct4 and KLF4, as well as a discussion about their capabilities, are reviewed by Jauch et al in hopes of enabling the engineering and optimization of PRFs1. Interestingly, recent studies suggest KLF4 may play a role in vascular disease due to its expression in multiple vascular cell types, but this remains to be seen2. Huang’s group used a KLF4 antibody to examine the first generation conversion of quiescent bovine cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs) with a novel virus-free poly-promoter vector3.

Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: KLF4 Antibody Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: KLF4 Antibody

They were able to initiate a self-sustaining pluripotency program unlike any seen in a human system. Likewise, a KLF4 antibody enabled researchers from Temple University to test their hypothesis that the hepatitis B antigen HBx triggers transformation through promoting properties characteristic of cancer stem cells (CSCs)4. Their studies found that through the use of a KL4 primary antibody that HBV does indeed promote stem-cell associated properties in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by mimicking CSCs.

Novus Biologicals offers KLF4 reagents for your research needs including:


  1. 23642061
  2. 24573018
  3. 21912700
  4. 21464043

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