Adiponectin Antibody: Not Such a Weighty Issue

Mon, 02/27/2012 - 14:35

Adiponectin (also called AdipoQ and Acrp30) is a circulating cytokine primarily expressed in adipose tissue. A complex protein with a number of physiological roles, adiponectin antibody experiments have revealed multiple forms of the protein in circulation, including trimers, multioligomers and cleavage fragments. We at Novus Biologicals stock an extensive range of adiponectin antibodies, as well as recombinant proteins and ELISA adiponectin antibody kits.

Adiponectin was first characterized in differentiating adipocyte cells of mice. Despite being the most dominant protein in human adipose tissue, lean people have the highest plasma circulating levels (0.01%). Obese humans display marked down-regulation of AdipoQ, associated with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance.

Western Blot: Adiponectin Antibody

Adiponectin antibody research conducted since 1995 has revealed the protein to have a number of physiological functions, playing a central role in energy metabolism, vascular health and insulin regulation. It is also thought to have possible roles in apoptosis and the mediation of proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF alpha. Interestingly, Acrp30 levels are around1000x lower in brain.

The discovery of the G-protein coupled adiponectin receptors AdipoR1/AdipoR2 have helped clarify the functions of AdipoQ. Using relevant antibodies, scientists have identified adiponectin receptors in a number of tissues, including muscle, brain and bone. These receptors have unique downstream signalling mechanisms and a very different structure to standard G-protein coupled receptors, varying in their ability to bind AdipoQ. T-cadherin is also thought to have a role.

Two critical signalling partners, APPL1 and APPL2, have been identified whose role is to transmit AdipoQ signals to downstream kinases such as p38, AKT and AMPK. Interestingly, adiponectin antibody studies suggest they may work in opposition, to mediate AdipoQ function in various cell types.

Novus Biologicals offers adiponectin reagents for your research needs including:

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